Thank you for checking out the Paw Prints in the Sand blog, with news and information about all animal-related topics, from health, nutrition and behavior, to tips and tricks, and the animal welfare issues that our mission serves.

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Tips for Crate Training Your Dog

Tips for Crate Training Your Dog

Crate training is in an important part of dog ownership. Many think that it is mean or cruel to crate a dog. That is only true if the crate is used as a form of punishment. However, that is not what creating dogs was meant for.  A crate should NEVER be used as...

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How to Handle Your Pets’ Stress During a Crisis

How to Handle Your Pets’ Stress During a Crisis

In times of crisis, there is no better companion than a pet. There are countless articles and research showing the mental and health benefits that come with caring for a pet. Pets are wonderful at helping us cope with stress, and there is no better time for the...

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4 Tips to Help Your Cat and Dog Get Along Better

4 Tips to Help Your Cat and Dog Get Along Better

Sponsored by AlliVet Having multiple furry friends in your home can be fun and fulfilling. However, if you have animals of different species -- like dogs and cats -- it can also be challenging. Many dogs and cats don't naturally react well to one another, which means...

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How to Deal with the Loss of a Pet

How to Deal with the Loss of a Pet

They say our pets are like family. I say, they’re not “like” family; they are family, and when you lose one, it’s a like a part of your heart and soul gets ripped out and taken with them. As the co-founder of PPITS, I’ve seen my fair share of pet loss. It is...

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4th of July Pet Safety: Think Twice Before You Light

4th of July Pet Safety: Think Twice Before You Light

Pets and 4th of July fireworks don't mix! Did you know:  Animal control officers across the country have reported up to a 60% increase in shelter intakes between July 4 - July 6? The most they see all year! Many animals get very frightened and stressed at the sight...

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Memorial Day Pet Safety Tips

Memorial Day Pet Safety Tips

Memorial Day is the day Americans gather together to memorialize the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It is also considered the unofficial start of summer and with that, there’s the chance you will celebrate with friends and family members,...

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What To Do If You Find Kittens

What To Do If You Find Kittens

In a recent blog post, we discussed “kitten season,” the time of year when the kitten population seems to explode and can be extremely overwhelming for rescues and shelters alike. Because we are right in the middle of kitten season now, we wanted to expand on what you...

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It’s Kitten Season! Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s Kitten Season! Here’s What You Need to Know

Spring has sprung, and that means that “kitten season” is here! While kittens are some of the most adorable creatures on the planet, kitten season can be overwhelming for animal shelters and rescues who end up caring for the abundance of tiny baby kitties that are...

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Puppy Mill Awareness

Puppy Mill Awareness

Today marks the beginning of Puppy Mill Action Week. There aren’t many things that are cuter in the world than a puppy. That breath! Those eyes! And of course, all of the unconditional love they bring. Deciding to get a puppy is a big decision, but perhaps even more...

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How to Reduce Separation Anxiety in Your Dog

How to Reduce Separation Anxiety in Your Dog

Written by: Duncan Kingori, AuthenticDogs Like humans, our pets also experience separation anxiety. In dogs, separation anxiety is characterized by agitation, upset, and even destructive behavior. These behaviors are exhibited by dogs when they are separated from...

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Caring for a Senior Pet

Caring for a Senior Pet

November is National Adopt a Senior Pet Month! Here at PPITS, we love our senior pets. We even created a program called Murray's Purpose for at-risk senior shelter pets. If you've been thinking about adding a senior pet to your home, or if your current pet is starting...

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Working From Home With Pets

Working From Home With Pets

So many of us have found ourselves working from home over the course of the last year. And for pet parents, this has caused an abrupt and unexpected change in routine for our four-legged family members. Let’s face it: our pets love having us at home, but it’s not...

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Four Common Cleaning Chemicals That Are Toxic to Pets

Four Common Cleaning Chemicals That Are Toxic to Pets

By: James Hall, Freelance Writer and Home Cleaning Expert, @Spotless_Vacuum It’s no secret that many household cleaning products are toxic to humans. A quick glance at a label shows just how careful we need to be when cleaning our homes. These chemicals are even more...

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October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month

October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month

Adopt-A-Shelter Dog Month What Can An Adopted Dog Bring To Your Life? For millions of dogs, there’s something special about the month of October. No, it’s not holiday sweaters or Halloween treats. It’s the promise of a better life. You see, October is Adopt a Shelter...

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April is National Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month

April is National Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month

Even though Paw Prints in the Sand works year-round to prevent and bring awareness to cruelty to animals, April is special because it is officially the ASPCA’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month! We are asking supporters to celebrate by joining us in raising...

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Special Needs, Special Deeds

Special Needs, Special Deeds

“Special needs pets need special people!” This is a phrase that we hear frequently from rescues encouraging people to adopt special needs pets. But why is that? Is it because of the sacrifice we are willing to give and the extra...

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A Rescuer’s Insight on Breed Specific Legislation

A Rescuer’s Insight on Breed Specific Legislation

The following guest post was originally posted by the Paw Prints in the Sand Co-Founder and President in Pet Rescue Report What is BSL? BSL stands for Breed Specific Legislation, which essentially makes certain dog breeds illegal based on their looks or breed. The...

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