Give A Life-Saving Gift to Help Animals Today
According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year.
Of those, over 1.5 million healthy and adoptable animals are euthanized. YOUR donation will go towards dramatically reducing that number.
Paw Prints in the Sand Animal works tirelessly in the areas of animal rescue, adoption and animal welfare and strives to put an end to animal abuse, abandonment, and neglect.
Every day, we fight to end animal cruelty and homelessness, but we need you by our side!
With your generous donation, you can help provide shelter, food, care, and love to an animal in need, and you can give many more a second chance at life.
All of your donations go directly into helping at-risk animals in need.
We sincerely appreciate your support.
If you prefer to mail your donation, you may send it to:
Paw Prints in the Sand Animal Rescue
317 W. La Habra Blvd., Suite 101,
PMB 244
La Habra, CA 90631
* If you have any questions or are interested in additional monthly giving, legacy giving, or sponsorship opportunities please contact us at

100% of all public donations go directly to funding high-impact programs that help at-risk animals. Administrative costs are paid through merchandise sales and fees.
Paw Prints in the Sand is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, United States tax indentification number 46-4362250. Your donation may be tax deductible. Please contact your tax advisor for more information.