We are dedicated to the financial stewardship and transparency with all public donations we receive and strive to keep our financial information as current as possible.
As a result of our financial accountability and transparency, we received the GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency.

Donor Impact Report

We’re proud of the success we at PPITS have been able to achieve, but we couldn’t have done it without the generosity, love, and support of our donors. To learn more about the impact you’ve made in the lives of animals in need, please read our Donor Impact Report.
Financial Statements
Paw Prints in the Sand provides its latest financial statements for our donors, supporters, and general public to maintain our track record and commitment to transparency and accountability.
Calendar Year 2022
2022 Form 990
Calendar Year 2021
2021 Form 990-EZ
Calendar Year 2020
Calendar Year 2018
Calendar Year 2017
Calendar Year 2016
Calendar Year 2015

100% of all public donations go directly to funding high-impact programs that help at-risk animals. Administrative costs are paid through merchandise sales and fees.