Please read the following to ensure the smooth transition of your pet into our rescue:
To prepare for transferring your pet into our rescue, please collect all of his or her belongings (food, bed, toys, leash/collar, litter box, other supplies, etc.)
These items should go with your pet to help ease the stress of being in a new and unfamiliar environment and to help is avoid any unnecessary costs that could go towards helping another animal in need.
The following Adoption Agreement (this Agreement or agreement) is entered into as of the date stated below by The Surrendering Party (‘I’, ‘me’, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘my’, ‘their’) and Paw Prints in the Sand Animal Rescue (‘PPITS’).
- PPITS shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws along with standards, codes, ordinances, administrative regulations and all amendments thereto, pertaining to the harboring, keeping, placement and/or care of animals.
- PPITS shall care for animal(s) in a manner consistent with professionally recognized standards of humane care, including appropriate housing for the size, number and species of the animals in its custody; providing each animal with a nutritious diet of species-appropriate food and clean water: providing necessary veterinary care and grooming to prevent adverse health effects; and providing appropriate socialization.
- PPITS agrees that animal(s) transferred to PPITS shall be adopted or otherwise placed from the PPITS as a companion animal(s) only.
- PPITS shall maintain records of adopted, otherwise placed animals and upon reasonable notice, make such records available to Transferring Rescue for a period of one (l) year from the date of adoption. Such records shall include the original transfer form for the animal, sterilization information about the animal, and the disposition of the animal, including when and to whom such animal was adopted or otherwise placed.
- PPITS shall be solely responsible for all loss and expenses incurred during the conduct of its business including, but not limited to transportation, sterilization, food, grooming, and veterinary medical care.
- PPITS shall have the above-mentioned animal(s) sterilized by a licensed veterinarian within ten (l0) days of receipt of the animal, unless a licensed veterinarian attests in writing that it would be dangerous to the animal’s health. In such cases, the PPITS must provide a written date by which the animal can be safely sterilized, or must provide a licensed veterinarian’s written statement that the animal, due to advanced age or chronic health problem(s) cannot be safely sterilized.
- PPITS shall provide proof of sterilization to Transferring Rescue no later than thirty (30) days from the date of being sterilized.