Phone *
Email *
What is the name of the pet your are adopting from PPITS? *
Type of pet you're adopting from PPITS *
Breed of pet you're adopting from PPITS *
Approximate age of pet you're adopting from PPITS *
1. I understand that the adoption process is not complete until after this adoption agreement has been completed and submitted to Paw Prints in the Sand (PPITS) and PPITS has received the adoption fee in full. *
2. I agree to provide MY PET with a loving and warm environment where it will be treated as part of the family and be kept primarily indoors and when outdoors be protected from any long term exposure to inclement or adverse weather conditions. I agree to take care of MY PET with proper food, clean water, proper medical care whenever necessary, and love and exercise. *
3. Should I adopt an in-tact (not fixed) puppy or a kitten, I agree to contact PPITS when my puppy or kitten becomes four-five months of age (or prior) to make arrangements to have my puppy or kitten immediately sterilized - NO EXCEPTIONS* (please see below). I agree to have my puppy or kitten sterilized at a PPITS’s partner veterinarian. The sterilization is included in the adoption fee. HOWEVER, I agree that should I require my puppy or kitten to be sterilized by a veterinarian who is not a PPITS's partner veterinarian, then I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for all sterilization fees. PPITS will refund the $100 sterilization deposit (if applicable) within 30-days of receiving the sterilization certificate for the puppy or kitten you adopted from PPITS. *
4. I agree to have MY PET wear a collar with an identification tag at ALL times. *
5. I agree keep PPITS as a second contact on the Microchip information. This will give another point of contact should your pet be lost and found *
6. I agree to comply with all applicable city, county, state and federal laws governing ownership, control and custody of animals. *
7. I agree that MY PET will never be subjected to cruel or inhumane treatment by myself or anyone that he/she interacts with. I agree to not alter MY PET'S appearance in ANY WAY including, but not limited to tail docking, ear cropping, declawing, or any type of alterations that are not necessary and are done for cosmetic reasons. *
8. I agree to never use MY PET in any form of aggressive activity such as fighting, guarding, or any activity in which one animal is pitted against another. *
9. I agree to allow PPITS to do a home check six months after this adoption is finalized in order to check on the well being of the dog to make sure it is happy and healthy. *
10. I agree that MY PET is to be returned to PPITS if I am unable to keep him/her due to ANY circumstances. I agree that I will NOT transfer ownership to anyone else unless prior written consent is given by PPITS. I further agree not to surrender MY PET to any animal shelter/rescue or give away MY for free. PPITS will take MY PET back at ANY TIME should I be unable to provide a home for MY PET. I understand that the adoption fee is COMPLETELY NONREFUNDABLE after 48 hours of the completed adoption. There will be NO REIMBURSMENT for any costs I incurred while MY PET was in my possession if I return him/her to PPITS after the adoption process has been completed. Any reimbursable fees will be refunded within 30-days after the return of MY PET to PPITS, and PPITS has retained full possession of MY PET. Reimbursement of any fees is at the sole discretion of PPITS. *
11. In the event I do not comply with the terms of this agreement, or the behavior/health addendum, if received and required, I agree that PPITS shall revoke the adoption of MY PET and retrieve MY PET at any time and at my expense, and as such, I will not be reimbursed the adoption fee or any expenses incurred during my possession of MY PET. *
12. I understand PPITS has put a great deal of love, resources, and care into every pet it rescues. In an effort to help keep current information on MY PET, I agree to notify PPITS of any address or phone changes. *
13. PPITS does not guarantee the health of MY PET at the time of adoption. I confirm that PPITS has disclosed any and all known health issues at the time of adoption. I further agree that PPITS is in no way responsible for any medical or other expenses I incur once the adoption is complete. Should a health problem or injury arise, I agree to seek immediate medical treatment for MY PET. I agree that I am fully responsible for any expenses that may arise once the adoption of MY PET is complete. *
14. I understand that MY PET is NOT to be euthanized (put to sleep) for ANY REASON without the prior written consent of a licensed veterinarian or unless MY PET is suffering, in pain and has no chance to recover and have a good quality of life. I agree to notify PPITS in writing in advance if I need to humanely euthanize MY PET for ANY reason. I will also give PPITS the option to receive MY PET back into its rescue should it wishes to do so. *
15. I understand that MY PET may not be housebroken and may have behavioral issues that PPITS was not aware of prior to adoption. I agree that I am willing to work on any behavioral issues in any way necessary by means of training myself or seeking an outside trainer before returning him/her to PPITS. *
16. I agree that in the event that I were to return MY PET to PPITS for behavior issues, I am expected to furnish proof of my attempt(s) to perform behavior modification training by a licensed animal trainer or behaviorist. *
17. Should I return MY PET to PPITS after the adoption is complete, PPITS retains full responsibility and possession of MY PET. I agree that once PPITS obtains physical possession of MY PET, either via one of its approved veterinarians, fosters, volunteers, or trainers, I have no further claim, responsibility, or ownership of MY PET. *
18. I am fully aware and acknowledge that PPITS takes in pets with unknown issues. I understand that these pets may have been neglected or abused by previous owners or may have other health or behavioral concerns about which PPITS is unaware. I further understand that PPITS is unaware of exact age, breed, prior registration, prior training, etc. PPITS makes no guarantees or expressed or implied warranties of any kind regarding MY PET. I understand that MY PET is being adopted as is. *
19. I agree that after the adoption is completed for MY PET that I take full responsibility for any behavioral or problems he/she may have that may result in MY PET causing damage to any property owned by myself or others. I further agree that after the adoption is completed that I take full responsibility of any and all health and financial matters with regards to MY PET. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless PPITS and any of its affiliates, associates and volunteers against liability from any such damages caused by MY PET. *
20. I agree to the adoption fee set forth by PPITS in writing. I understand that this amount is used to continue the efforts of PPITS in helping other animals and is non-refundable once adoption has been completed. 100% of adoption fees go towards our mission as noted on our website. *
21. I agree that PPITS has disclosed to me IN WRITING all KNOWN issues at the time of adoption. These issues may include, but are not limited to behavior, e.g. any bites, acts of aggression, temperament (e.g. other dog, cat, kid, human compatibility), etc., or any known health or medical issues or concerns. Furthermore, I agree that if MY PET has received any behavior modification training, PPITS has discussed MY PET’S behavior modification training with me in detail both verbally and in writing. I agree that PPITS has provided me with a separate addendum that covers any behavior or medical issues in more detail. I understand that once I have provided written acknowledgement of receipt of information pertaining to MY PET’S behavior or health, I am fully responsible for any behavior or medical issues that MY PET may have once the adoption is complete. Therefore, I agree that I am not entitled to receive any form of compensation or reimbursement of any fees paid, including the adoption fees if I witness or experience any of the behavior or medical issues that have been disclosed to me by PPITS or any of its heirs, agents, representatives, successors and assignees, affiliates, partners, volunteers, fosters, etc. at the time of adoption. I further agree that the Liability Waiver included in the Adoption Agreement, which I willingly signed and agreed to applies to this Agreement. *
22. If I am adopting a puppy or kitten from PPITS, I agree to have it spayed or neutered at a PPITS approved veterinarian. PPITS will notify me when it is time for my puppy or kitten to be sterilized. I agree to have my new puppy or kitten sterilized within one month of receiving notification from PPITS. I agree that any spay/neuter deposit I paid will be refunded within 30-days of PPITS receiving the spay or neuter certificate. *
23. Once the adoption is complete, PPITS will provide me with all veterinarian records including rabies and alteration* certificates and microchip information for MY PET. If I am adopting a puppy, PPITS will provide the Spay/Neuter certificate once MY PET is altered. In the event I am given the Spay/Neuter certificate by the veterinarian who performed the procedure, I will send a copy to PPITS for its records. *
24. If I violate of ANY of this agreement, I will be required to return MY PET to PPITS and forfeit any adoption fees. *
25. I agree if I am in breach of this contract, I the adopter will be responsible for all legal cost that are incurred by PPITS to enforce this contract and agree to all the above terms of this contract. *
26. PPITS understands that with certain large-breed puppies, veterinarians often recommend waiting until the puppy is a certain age prior to spaying or neutering. We do understand the health reasons and concerns for this recommendation. However, as a nonprofit animal welfare organization, we are bound by rules and guidelines set forth by our shelter and adoption partners, which require us to have all animals we rescue sterilized prior to adoption. If the animal is a puppy or kitten, we are required to sterilize the pet by 5 months of age. Therefore, unless a veterinarian provides PPITS written proof of an animal’s inability to be sterilized, we require ALL kittens to be sterilized by 4 months of age and all puppies to be sterilized by 5 months of age. NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to comply will result in forfeiting the spay or neuter deposit as well as PPITS financial responsibility for sterilizing the pet you adopted from PPITS. I understand and agree to this sterilization policy. *
SIGNATURE | By typing your FULL NAME you acknowledge your acceptance of this agreement.
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) *